Face Fit Testing for Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) OverviewWhere RPE is required in the workplace, it must provide individual protection for the wearer to avoid respiratory problems caused by harmful airborne substances. Face fit testing for RPE is a legal requirement* in the UK for anyone who wears a tight, or close fitting, mask for work. It is a means of checking that a respirator facepiece matches a person's facial features and seals adequately to their face, providing both comfort and protection. Face fit testing should be carried out: As part of initial mask selection processes. At least annually to ensure RPE continues to provide the correct fit. Every time a new model, manufacturer type/brand, or size of RPE is introduced to the wearer. If alterations occur to a wearer’s weight or facial/dental features. NLTG’s Health & Safety Specialists have years of experience in undertaking thorough RPE face fit tests and our services are available for the following RPE mask types: Disposable half masks. Reusable filter or cartridge half masks. Powered respirators. Full face filter or cartridge masks. Escape set masks. Full breathing apparatus masks. * The Approved Codes of Practices (ACOPs) supporting the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH), the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations (CAW) and the Control of Lead at Work Regulations (CLAW) require that wearers of tight-fitting respirators are fit tested. CostPrice on application. VenueDelivered on company premises. How To BookPlease call us on 01254 395355 or email eet@nltg.co.uk