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We are delighted to announce that Noel Matthew is the winner of NLTG’s 2024 Study Programme Learner of the Year Award… well done Noel!
Through our Study Programme in Oldham, Noel completed his Employability qualification working at Level 2, as well as passing his English Level 2 Functional Skills and a Level 1 Health and Safety in the Workplace.
Noel thrived during a work experience placement at RSPCA Oldham, picking up many valuable skills, and he is now studying at Oldham College, where he is completing a Health and Social Course, working towards a Level 3 qualification.
Pictured below (left to right) is Michael Nutter (Noel’s NLTG Study Programme Tutor, Noel’s Mum, Noel Matthew (Study Programme Learner of the Year Winner) and Gareth Lindsay (NLTG Managing Director).
NLTG Study Programme Tutor, Michael Nutter, said:
“Noel is from Kuwait and his second language is English. Noel embraced the programme and had to work harder than most students to reach the standard of a Level 2 student.
He overcame this by staying behind at breaks and lunch times to make sure all his work was complete. He had 100% attendance and was always the first student to arrive at the centre everyday when he had sessions. He was a polite student who always came into the staff office when arriving for sessions or before leaving at the end of his day.
Noel was a role model to others in his group and he set high standards for himself, as well as being dedicated to embracing the new skills he was learning, alongside developing new knowledge and attributes.”
A member of staff from RSPCA Oldham, said:
“Noel was brilliant on placement; we enjoyed having him here. He was involved in tagging and organising the clothes, making sure they were ready to come onto the shop floor.
He worked on the till and had fantastic customer service skills. He was very polite with our customers and made them smile. He listened to our instructions and got on with everything he needed to do. He was always on time and had lovely manners.
We would love to have a shop full of Noel’s working with us; he was a pleasure to work with.”
Congratulations Noel, we wish you all the best at Oldham College and for your future career!
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