Parents’/Carers’ Guide

Help your child build a better future

Spending time in a classroom, at college, after leaving school is not the first choice for many people.
On leaving school, we understand that your child may want to go out to work and earn a wage.

Apprenticeships starts have been recorded in England since 2020

over 250,000 workplaces in the UK offer Apprenticeships and Traineeships*

is the minimum weekly salary for an Apprentice; many companies offer higher salaries

of NLTG Apprenticeships stay in full time employment after their Apprenticeship

*Stats from

What is an Apprenticeship?

Your son/daughter/ward does not have to stay on at school or college after the age of 16; they may choose to continue their education by starting an Apprenticeship.  Apprenticeships are ideal for those who are keen to join the world of work.  They provide access to jobs that demand a high level of skill, judgement and creativity.

Alongside the achievement of a nationally recognised qualification, your son/daughter/ward will develop the skills and knowledge needed for their chosen career, all while earning a salary!

For more information on our Apprenticeships, please take a look at our Apprenticeships page.

What are the benefits of an Apprenticeship?

All NLTG Apprenticeships are full-time permanent jobs.  Apprentices gain experience and skills in the workplace alongside experienced staff, studying qualifications through 1-1 sessions with a personal NLTG Tutor. Apprenticeships are the perfect route to starting out and progressing in a company and are available at Levels 2, 3, 4 and higher.


Are there regular progress checks?

Yes, our NLTG Tutors visit Apprentices every 4 to 6 weeks to assess them, check their progress and guide them through their qualification.

What is a Traineeship?

A Traineeship is a stepping stone towards an Apprenticeship and a way to help your son/daughter/ward discover their future career path.

It is a work placement with a company which provides them with the skills and experience they need to get an Apprenticeship. Alongside their high quality work placement, they will develop the vital skills that employers look for, and gain the knowledge and confidence to apply for jobs and secure an Apprenticeship.

For more information on our Traineeships, pleas take a look at our Traineeships page.

What is the Study Programme?

The Study Programme Team deliver two exciting learning programmes; Employability Skills and In-centre Traineeships from our state of the art Vocational Centres of Excellence in Accrington, Bury and Oldham.

Both programmes are tailored to the needs of students aged 16-18 who are not ready, or able, to directly enter an Apprenticeship, Traineeship, employment or other post 16 alternative.

The Study Programme offers everyone an innovative curriculum and high quality work experience opportunity, providing your son/daughter/ward with the best possible support in order to assist them in laying the foundations for the rest of their life.

For more information on the Study Programme, please take a look at the Study Programme page.

Is there anyone at NLTG to talk to regarding any concerns?

Yes, we provide a range of support services to all our learners. If your son/daughter/ward is doing an Apprenticeship or Traineeship, they will be given their Tutor/Traineeship Officer’s work mobile number and email address in case they need support or assistance at any time. If they are on the Study Programme, they will receive a centre mobile number to call if they need support or assistance. NLTG also has a Safeguarding Team in place to support our learners with any concerns which may arise.  Alternatively, please contact our main offices on 01254 397119 / 01257 395355 and they will direct you accordingly.

NLTG have a zero tolerance of abuse and harm to staff, learners and visitors. Click the links to view our Safeguarding Policy (which includes our statutory duties in relation to Safeguarding and Prevent (i.e. Counter Terrorism Act 2015) and e-safety) and also our Whistleblowing Policy.

Your son/daughter/ward will be issued at the start of their programme, with a handbook/information which details all the necessary requirements of their programme, including: what to do if they feel at risk of harm; an acceptable IT User Agreement*; and information on whistleblowing etc. We would encourage you to read/discuss this with your son/daughter/ward.

*At NLTG we understand the importance and benefits of emerging technologies for learning and personal development.  We recognise that safeguards need to be in place to ensure the risks are reduced and have in place an acceptable IT User Agreement which details the requirements of learners on NLTG programmes in respect of IT.

In the unlikely event that you believe that any matters are not addressed correctly by NLTG in regards to Safeguarding, then you may escalate this further via the NSPCC.


Tel: 0800 800 5000


Is there any funding available?

All our training programmes for 16 to 18 year olds are fully by the Government or co-funded by the employer, so there are no hefty student fees/learning loans needed as they don’t cost you or your son/daughter/ward a penny.

Will I still receive child benefit allowance?

This depends on what training your son/daughter/ward is doing with us.

If they are doing an Apprenticeship then the answer is no. The law says that even though your son/daughter/ward is in education, they will be employed by an employer and therefore you will not be entitled to receive child benefits for your son/daughter/ward who is on an Apprenticeship.

If they are doing a Traineeship or are on the Study Programme then the answer is yes as they are still in full time education.

Where can I find additional support for parents/carers?

There are a range of resources available online which provide help, support and advice on various topics. Below are some of the sites available.  Please click on the image to access the relevant site.

NLTG have partnered with NOS to provide parents/carers with the ability to create an account for free. The account enables access to a range of resources designed to enhance the understanding of digital safety.
CEOP provides advice and the facility to make a report directly to them if you are worried about online sexual abuse, or something has happened to your child/ward online which has made either you or your child/ward feel unsafe, scared or worried. This may be regarding someone they know in real life, or someone they have only ever met online.
In the Vodafone ‘Digital Parenting’ magazine, you can find information on specific topics and keep up to date with the must-have apps and social media platforms that are proving so popular with children and young people. You can view the Digital Parenting magazine online or order a copy via the Vodafone website. have created some useful links and sources of mental health support, so that children and young people, parents, carers, and school and college staff have access to the advice and help they may need.
The NSPCC website provides help and advice, both online and via telephone should you have a safeguarding concern.
The Parentzone website provides a collection of articles, tips, expert advice and resources designed to help parents/carers keep up with what their children are doing on-line.
ACAS provides employees and employers with free, impartial advice on workplace rights, rules and best practice.


Myth Busters for parents/carers

There are many outdated myth’s around about Apprenticeships. We understand that, as parents/carers, you want the best for your child, especially when it has to do with their education and the first steps of a career. So, we have busted 6 common myths parents have about Apprenticeships and put them all in one place for you to read.

Read our Myth Busters

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